Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Getting Into College: An Insider's Guide

Getting into college and getting financial aid are the two things on most college applicants' and their parents' minds. Wouldn't it be nice to hear some advise from the Dean of Admissions of a leading university?

Well, You're in luck....

I found a great video on the Vanderbilt University site that has a lot of great tips for getting admitted and getting financial aid. I've posted it below. Here's Vanderbilt's description of the video:

Douglas Christiansen is Vanderbilt University's associate provost for enrollment and dean of admissions. He's spent the last 20 years in admissions leadership roles in both public and private universities. Now he's using his expertise to give students practical advice on what they can do to get into the right college, in hopes of clearing some of the mystery and misconceptions surrounding the admissions process.

In a series of short and direct video clips, Christiansen tackles questions such as, "How should I prepare for my college essay—what if I'm not the greatest writer?" "My parents have decent jobs, but we haven't saved much for college. What are my chances of getting financial aid?" "As an admissions insider, what tips can you give to help me sound my best in my application?"Christiansen also talks about when extracurricular activities can actually hurt an applicant and how to ease the stress surrounding the admissions process.

All college applicants and their parents should watch this video! It's 24 minutes long, but worth the time!

Is that a great video, or what?

It's also on YouTube, along with other Vanderbilt videos. Many are very academic, but that's what you want from a top notch college. There are also videos showing what Vanderfbilt professors are doing and thinking. In addition, there are videos of concerts from the Blair School of Music, which is part of Vanderbilt.

If I sound somewhat prejudiced for Vanderbilt, it's because I'm an alumni. If you'd like more information, go to their website http://www.vanderbilt.edu/ and there's also a series of videos with Interim Chancellor Nicolas Zeppos who talks about life at Vanderbilt.

I loved every minute of my time at Vanderbilt. I got lots of financial aid thirty-five years ago, but "lots" was around $2,000/year then. Now that it's 2000% more expensive, I was afraid that it was priced out of reach for most middle-class people.

I was glad to find out that I was wrong.

Douglas Christiansen says in the above video that their average financial aid package is $30,000!

I'll write more about financial aid in my next blog, and I promise I won't wait as long to post one next time.

Tune in next time for: FINANCIAL AID SECRET #4


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1 comment:

The Dad said...

I bet it would be very easy for you to do some direct interviews with people from the colleges or admissions departments. Perhaps contacting some of the local religious organizations on campus can get you some contacts as well.