Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fill Out the FAFSA!

I'm back from California, where I spent seven weeks with my mom, who had major surgery. I was there at the beginning of the year, so I missed reminding you to FILL OUT YOUR FAFSA!

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Most financial aid, even that which comes from the states and the colleges, start with the FAFSA. Many college deadlines are in February and March, so time’s a wastin’. Financial aid is given on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis, so the quicker you get your FAFSA done and submitted, the better off you are.
With the economy tanking, more people than ever will be applying for financial aid, so there's even more competition than usual. Some states are cutting back their financial aid and many colleges are raising their tuition. More reasons to get going on the FAFSA.

Even if you are fortunate enough to have a job and make a decent living, you want to fill out the FAFSA. Many colleges are so expensive that even people making good money can qualify for financial aid. Also, if you're going to have to take out a loan, government loans have better interest rates and terms than private loans. The government will pay the interest on some federal loans while the student is in college, and repayment of some federal loans don’t begin until after the student graduates or stops going to college. You can't get a government loan for college without filling out the FAFSA.

So get going! The official FAFSA site is Note that it is not a .com site. If you go to a .com site you may be asked to pay to have the FAFSA submitted.

If You Need Help
If you need help in completing the FAFSA, check out the government publication “Completing the FAFSA, 2009-2010”. This has an explanation for each question asked in the FAFSA. You can also call toll-free 1-800-433-3243 or TTY users (for the hearing impaired) can call 1-800-730-8913.

COMING SOON: “The Secrets of Financial Aid” – an ebook with all the secrets I’ve discovered in my comprehensive research of the subject. Make sure you’re on my email list, so you can get a copy as soon as it is released. Click here to sign up. You’ll also get a free copy of the ebook “A Parent’s Survival Guide to College” by insider Neil P. O’Donnell, academic advisor and professor at a private college in NY.


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